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Lover Boy Page 23

  And what a sexy silhouette it is.

  My eyes climb his frame in slow motion.

  His large, sturdy feet.

  His long, muscular legs and the gray basketball shorts hanging low on his hips.

  Well, damn…

  The delicious V punctuating his washboard abs.

  The colorful, intricate tattoos ornamenting his strong chest and those brawny arms.

  Oh, wow…

  His square, stubbly chin.

  Those full lips slowly spreading into a wide smile.

  My god — I can’t breathe…

  His blue eyes, as pale and electric as a flash of lightning.

  He shoves his large hand through his messy blond hair. “Hey…”

  My heart stops cold in my chest and a shiver runs through my body. The rake slips from my fingers and lands at my feet with a metallic clang. I choke out his name.


  Chapter 3

  8 years ago…

  I am not a pervert…I am not a pervert…I am not a pervert…

  …I’m totally a pervert.

  I adjust my position on my floral-patterned comforter, shifting onto my knees and sitting my butt on my heels. I slide a finger between the slats of my blinds and peer into the bedroom across the way.

  I didn’t come in here to spy, I swear.

  I’ve been looking all over the house for my algebra notebook since I got home from study group and I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. I had walked into my bedroom to search for it for a second time. But I had quickly gotten distracted when I saw a tawny-skinned blonde enter Keeland Masters’ bedroom.

  An irrational wave of possessiveness had instantly flooded my stomach. “Who is that?”

  Her face is obscured by the shadows. Without hesitation, she lifts her shirt over her head and flings it into the corner.


  She reaches behind her back and unclasps her black and white satin bra and a second later, her huge breasts bounce free.

  My jaw hangs unhinged and I cover my eyes with my fingers. This can’t be happening. Not my Keeland.

  I know that girls throw themselves at him. They swarm him like bees on honey whenever he hangs out at the football field after school and there are endless rumors about his many hookups. But that doesn’t mean I’m mentally and emotionally prepared to see it with my own eyes!

  So, why the hell can’t I look away?

  I spread my fingers, peeping into the space between them just as the blonde sits on the edge of the bed and her face comes into view.

  Ugh. Brittany Delaney. No…Keeland…why? Why would you fool around with Brittany Delaney? She’s the school slut. My Keeland can do so much better.

  My 17-year-old heart cracks open in my chest as Brittany lies back on the bed and he climbs on top of her. His pale, white ass comes into view.

  Hmmm. Not as round and muscular as I’d always imagined it in all of my daydreams…And his legs are super hairy…How come I never noticed that his legs are so hairy?

  I should look away. I’m a total sicko for continuing to watch them go at it like animals…

  Come on, Sammie. Look away…

  …Still can’t look away…

  He rolls over on the bed and Brittany climbs into his lap. They kiss sloppily as they hump all over each other. He sits up and she runs her hands through his shaggy, brown hair.

  Wait — brown hair?

  When Brittany dips her head and starts sucking on his neck, that’s when I realize that it’s not Keeland. Not at all.

  A shrill scream escapes my lips. I clamp my hand over my mouth and duck away from the window, just as my brother, Daniel, peers over Brittany’s shoulder, looking for the source of the disturbance. I crouch down on the floor under the windowsill, pulling my knees to my chest.

  Argh! For as long as I live, I will never un-see that!

  I cringe all over as I collapse onto my back, staring straight up at the Twilight poster on my ceiling. I concentrate on Robert Pattinson’s handsome face in the hopes of erasing the image of my brother’s naked ass from my mind. It’s not working, I groan inwardly.

  “Samantha,” I hear mom call from downstairs. “Dinner.”

  It takes me a second to pull myself together and get the desire to puke under control. I really should have looked away sooner. That’s what you get for being a pervert, I chide myself as I pad down the hallway.

  When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see Keeland in the kitchen helping my mother set the table.

  Shit! I instantly wish I’d known he’d be over for dinner. I would have brushed my hair and put on a clean shirt.

  He looks up just as I walk through the doorway and our eyes catch. He gives me the widest grin. “Hey Sammie.”

  I grab at the hem of the loose-fitting Reyfield High Soccer t-shirt that I’m wearing and start fiddling with it. “Hey Keeland.” Why do I always squirm when he looks at me like that?

  He grabs something off of the edge of the dining room table and saunters over to me. My heart kicks harder against my chest the closer he gets. He hands a notebook to me. My algebra notebook. “I think this is yours.”

  I try to steady my trembling hand as I take it from him. “Where’d you find this?”

  A tiny smirk curves his lips. “It was right there sitting on the couch.” He cocks an eyebrow, leaning in toward me and lowering his voice. “Turn to the last page.”

  My cheeks burn hot because I know that on the last page, I’d doodled in Math class. My name and his. Together. Mr. and Mrs. Keeland and Samantha Masters.


  “I — I —”

  “Come on. Open it,” he coaxes, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

  My pulse throbs madly as I slowly open the book to the very last page.

  And, yes. My embarrassing doodle is there. My name with his, scrawled in my best handwriting.

  But now, an intricate drawing of a flaming heart encircles my scribbles. The sketch is so detailed with its vivid reds and oranges and yellows, it almost feels like it’s alive on the page. The initials ‘K.M.’ Are inscribed on the bottom right of the page.

  My face must be as red as a strawberry when I glance up into his eyes. I’ve held my breath for so long that I might be suffering from permanent brain damage by the time Keeland lets go of my gaze.

  He grins down at me, his pale, metallic-blue eyes glimmering. “You like?” he asks facetiously. He always does this to me. He puts me on the spot just to see me squirm. Teasing me seems to be one of his favorite pastimes. In his eyes, I’m nothing but his best friend’s nerdy kid sister.

  My mouth opens and closes a few times but nothing comes out. I’m mortified. I look over to my mother hoping she’ll supply a distraction. However, she’s completely oblivious to my plight as she moves busily at the stove, singing a Faith Hill tune under her breath.

  I’m still struggling to formulate a sentence when I hear the front door open and the thump-thump of Daniel kicking off his sneakers. Keeland takes a quick step back just as my brother comes charging into the house, hair disheveled, shirt misbuttoned, reeking of sweat.

  Before he can say a word, mom calls out to him from the stove. “Danny, you’re home just in time for dinner. Was Brittany able to help you with your Biology homework?”

  My brother’s eyes go wide for a fraction of a second, but he recovers nicely. “Yeah, Brittany’s a great study buddy. She’s really hands-on and she explains stuff in a very visual way.” He and Keeland exchange conspiratorial grins. I roll my eyes.

  Those two have had a bromance of epic proportions ever since Keeland moved back to Reyfield last winter with his mom and younger brother, Maxwell. I’ve known the Masters’ my whole life but they’ve moved around a lot since Keeland’s dad ran out on the family a few years ago. Jane, Keeland’s mom, has a hard time keeping a decent job so she tends to follow opportunities as they pop up. And each time, she drags Keeland and Maxwell along with her. They always seem to end up bac
k in Reyfield, though.

  When they showed up again last Christmas, my mom, the high school guidance counselor, managed to convince my dad to let the Masters’ rent the house next door. It’s a decision my father has regretted ever since because Jane is having a hard time keeping up with the rent. She must be working the late shift at the diner tonight. I guess that’s why Keeland let Daniel use his bedroom to bone Brittany Delaney. Gross.

  My mother sets the pot roast in the center of the dining room table. “Okay, Danny you go wash up and Sam, go find your father in his study. Tell him to come eat.”

  After dinner, Keeland approaches my father as he sits in his recliner in the living room watching Wheel of Fortune. “Mr. Trotten?”

  My father glances up with a gaze that does nothing to hide his distaste for Keeland. “Yes.”

  Keeland looks nervous as he approaches. “I know my mom’s been late on the rent a few times. She’s really doing her best to pay but things have been a bit tough. I just started a job at the grocery store. I wanted you to have this.” Keeland stretches out a hand to my father. From my perch on the stairs, I can’t see exactly how much money he’s holding.

  My mother rushes into the room and intercepts Keeland’s hand. “Don’t be silly, sweetheart. You don’t have to do this. I’m sure that Jane just needs a little more time and she’ll square the rent away. Your prom is coming up soon. You could probably use your money for that.”

  My father gives my mother the look of death. I heard him complaining the other day about Jane always being late on the rent and that he wants to evict her. My mother had come to Jane’s defense, reminding my father that the woman is a single mother doing her best to raise her two sons with the little money that she earns.

  “Come get some pie to take home for Maxwell,” my mother says ushering Keeland into the kitchen before my father has the chance to get his hands on Keeland’s money.

  Keeland thanks my mother profusely and says goodnight to my father on the way to the door. When he stops in the foyer to put on his shoes, he sees me sitting on the stairs. “Good night, Sammie,” he says in a singsong voice.

  I try to play it cool. “Good night, Keeland.”

  He comes right up to me and taps the tip of my nose. “Sleep tight, Mrs. Keeland Masters.” My whole body shivers.

  He snickers softly as he turns and disappears out the door.

  Chapter 4

  8 years ago…

  Isla comes and leans on the locker right next to me. “I am officially saving my virginity for Zayn Wilkinson,” she announces dreamily, clutching her English book to her chest.

  I snicker as I rifle through my locker in search of my purple binder. “Great to see that your life goals are all mapped out.”

  She sneers at me. “You won’t be laughing when Zayn and I are making out at the prom while you’re in the corner alone stuffing your face with trail mix and lukewarm fruit punch.”

  “Whatever,” I sigh. “I like trail mix. And I’ve already decided that I’m not going to the prom.”

  Isla gives me an incredulous look. She opens her mouth, probably to chide me about the foolishness of missing out on the once-in-a-lifetime experience that is senior prom, but just then, I feel a playful tug on my ponytail from behind. When I glance back, I see Keeland walking by me, grin spread wide from ear-to-ear. “Tag, you’re it, Mrs. Masters,” he teases before giving a nod to Isla.

  My friend giggles softly as he slinks away. “Mmm. Keeland Masters so wants to bone you.” She smacks her freshly-glossed lips.

  Yeah, right.

  While I’m usually a disheveled mess in jeans and plain sweaters, my best friend has the fashion sense of a real life Barbie doll. Plus, she towers over my shrimpy frame even when she’s not wearing her stylish platform sandals. Guys are lining up to date her, not me.

  My eyes follow Keeland down the hall. “He does not,” I insist. “He’s just teasing me. ‘Cause he’s Daniel’s best friend and I’m Daniel’s little sister…And besides, I totally don’t want to bone him.”

  She spits out a laugh. “As if you could resist…They don’t call him ‘Master Kee’ for nothing.”

  I cringe when she mentions Keeland’s tacky-as-hell nickname.

  Master Kee…Master key. Get it?

  The guys on the football team began calling him that after a rumor started going around that uptight Gretchen Halliwell had given him her virginity. I overheard Daniel explaining to one of their friends that Keeland had the ‘master key’ because he could unlock even the tightest of pussies.

  Ew. Just ew.

  I flip my long brown ponytail over my shoulder nonchalantly and turn to my locker, averting Isla’s probing gaze. “I can so resist Keeland. I don’t get what all the fuss is about. He’s not even that cute.” As I say the words, I have to take a quick glimpse down to make sure that my lying pants aren’t on fire.

  My best friend gives me an exasperated look. “Whatever – he totally wants you. I can see it in those sparkling blue eyes,” she says poetically.

  I slam my locker shut and face her. “You’re delusional.”

  She scoffs. “You know you want him, too. You turn into a total weirdo whenever he comes around.”

  I furrow my brows. “I do not,” I say defensively.

  “Yes, you do,” she insists. “I’ll prove it.” She loops her arm through mine, dragging me down the hall.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, moving reluctantly alongside her.

  “To talk to Keeland,” she announces. Before I have time to protest, she’s tapping on his shoulder as he opens his locker. “Heya, Keeland.”

  “What’s up, Isla?”

  “Who ya taking to prom?”

  He looks into his locker and shrugs. “Haven’t thought much about it.”

  I hock a laugh. He hasn’t thought about it much? He’s the captain of the football team, for crying out loud. I’d bet that half the cheerleading squad has been dropping him not-so-subtle hints for weeks.

  He turns to me. “Who’s taking you, Samantha?”

  “I’m—I, um, I’m not going. The prom is totally lame, anyway.” The truth is, no one asked me. I’m the youngest person in our class thanks to the fact that I skipped the fourth grade. While that made my parents extremely proud to have a ‘gifted’ child, it sort of mucked up my social life. It feels like most of my classmates look down on me as Daniel’s cute little sister and don’t really take me seriously. And unfortunately, none of the guys dare to cross big, bad Daniel by taking his sister on a date.

  Until now…

  Keeland gives me a determined look. “Me and you, we’ll go together. It’ll be fun.” He says it so casually. Like it’s a perfectly logical idea.

  Isla laughs hysterically. “That’s funny. As if Daniel would let you.”

  Keeland shoos her away with the flick of his wrist. “I’ll deal with Daniel,” he says confidently.

  The bell rings and Isla adjusts the strap of the oversized purse on her shoulder and smooths back her already-smooth blonde ponytail. “Okay, well I guess I’ll pick up an outfit for your funeral when I go shopping for my prom dress this weekend.”

  He chuckles. “You’re a trip, Isla.” He waves his physics books at us as he strolls toward the science lab.

  Isla turns with a flourish and clutches my arm, dragging me toward our English class.

  She’s rambling on and on about…something, but I don’t hear her. Because I’m on cloud nine.

  I think Keeland Masters just asked me to the prom.

  Chapter 5

  8 years ago…

  “You look so gorgeous, sweetheart,” my mother coos as she sets the curling iron down on the dresser and peers at me in the mirror. Her eyes are misty and she’s sniffling. I think she’s more excited about the prom than I am.

  And I’m pretty damn excited.

  I’m going to the prom with Keeland Masters! I’m so psyched I could break out into the Macarena at any moment. I’ve had to pinch myself several
times just to make sure I’m not dreaming.

  It almost didn’t happen because Daniel had thrown a fit when Keeland told him that I was his date. Then, dad had refused to give me permission when I’d asked. Thank god mom had sat them both down and given them a good talking-to. And now, I’m going to the prom with Keeland Masters!


  I’m standing in front of the mirror in my flowy, cerulean halter dress. It accentuates the wide hips that pay homage to my mother’s Puerto Rican heritage while complimenting the pale Celtic complexion that I inherited from my father. My long, dark hair falls in silky curls down my back and my lips wear a peachy gloss.

  I do look gorgeous.

  Just as I’m slipping on my crystal chandelier earrings, Daniel knocks on the door and bursts into my bedroom without waiting for a response. He’s red and out of breath. The knot of his tie is crooked and perspiration sheens on his forehead. “Mom – have you seen Jane today? Nancy and Delores are on the front porch. They say they saw her pack up her car this morning and speed off with Keeland and Maxwell.”

  Concern instantly fills my mother’s eyes as she rushes out of the room, Daniel following behind her.

  No no no. No. Not today. No.

  I pad slowly down the stairs, wiping my clammy hands against my dress.

  Not today. Please.

  The past few weeks have been too good, too perfect. My crush asked me to the prom. I bought a dress and got my hair done.

  Not today.

  In the back of my mind, I’ve always known that the Masters’ would bolt again. It’s their modus operandi. I just never imagined that they’d pull their disappearing act today, on prom day.

  As I step out onto the porch, I see my brother kick at the Master’s front door in frustration. My mother huddles with Nancy and Delores in the driveway, speaking in hushed tones. She glances at me, tears shining in her compassionate eyes.

  It’s true…

  They’re gone. Without a word. Without a goodbye. He’s gone.

  I’m paralyzed. I can’t move. I knew this was all too good to be true.